Tuesday 18th And Wednesday 19th march 2025
Crowne Plaza Hotel, Auckland city
More details to come. If you have any queries in the meantime, please contact Trish May on email: trish@maymarketing.co.nz.
A two day event with inbound agents having the choice of attending one of the two days.
The event lasts for the entire business day. During this time you’ll have appointments with all Regional Tourism Organisations.
Meetings will be between every RTO and agent attending on a round-robin basis during the day.
We’ll provide refreshments and lunch.
There is no charge to inbound agents to attend.
Inbound agents can have up to four colleagues in any one group moving around the RTO table/booths.
Larger inbound tour operators are permitted more than one group of four consultants. Also larger inbound tour operators are welcome to send different staff on either day. (Both subject to space).
Development West Coast meeting during the RTNZ-ITO Event in Auckland